
Team of Highly Skilled Imaging Artists

We only hire the best Imaging Artists, all of whom have been formally trained in the art of photo editing, image manipulation, photography and design. We maintain the highest of standards and guarantee the quality of our work is the best in the business!

Portable 500 GB Hard Drive to use with deposit

We will send you a Seagate 500 GB hard drive for your order. A $90 deposit will be placed on your credit card at that time.  Then load the drive with the files you would like edited. Simply drop it in the mail, we will do the editing and upon completion we will mail back the drive with the edited images stored on the drive. If you decide to discontinue the use of our services after the first order we politely request that you return the drive using the box it was delivered in. We will then issue a refund of your deposit upon receipt of the hard drive. If the drive is not returned within 15 business days, we will assume you bought the drive and not refund your credit card deposit.

5 Business Day Turn Around

5-business day turnaround from the day we receive the data to when it ships.
*Fundamental Service Only

Direct Communication with Imaging Artist

We want to make sure you are always 100% satisfied with the work we do. We understand that all photographers have their own unique style and it is our goal to align you with an imaging artist that is right for you. We offer direct communication by phone and /or email with your Imaging Artist throughout the editing process.

Web Preview Gallery

We create a temporary web gallery of 20 of your images that have been edited for your feedback. A link will be emailed to you. Simply click on the link and view the preview of your images. If you like how the images have been edited, send us an email back confirming your approval and we will immediately finish editing the remaining images in your order. We always appreciate your feedback on those initial images to assure you are completely satisfied with our work.

FTP Service

For large orders we do recommend using our hard drive service. However, for smaller fundamental orders, pro-retouching services, album design and/or picture college design, our FTP Service is the perfect option. If you prefer this method, an Imaging Artist will provide you with further information.

 Free Consultations

Consultations are always free! We offer all new clients 5 FREE Photoshop renders to sample our services. Call or email us for details!

Client Confidentiality & Copyright Protection

We are very careful to protect the copyright status of all images submitted to Enhancing Memories. We will never use a client’s images for any reason without written consent, and Enhancing Memories will never reveal to anyone that our clients use a third party outsourcing method.

Free File Archiving

We will store all rendered final jpg images, as well as their Lightroom Catalog, for 45 days. Should an incident occur on your end, have no fear! We’ve got you backed up!

No Membership / Subscription Fee

We don’t believe in membership or subscription fees!